Procedure Pricing

We often get questions from prospective patients about pricing for natural breast augmentation using cosmetic DIEP flap procedures (the All Me Augmentation™ Procedure). Here you will find helpful information on procedure pricing and insight into the costs and benefits, as well as financing and insurance options.

What Are The Benefits Of Natural Breast Augmentation?

All Me Augmentation™ (Cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation) is more effective than other natural breast augmentation procedures, such as fat transfer/fat grafting, because there is no postoperative loss of volume of the transplanted tissue. Additionally, cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation comes without the risk associated with breast implants. Cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation has no risk of breast implant illness (BIL), Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), or of capsular contracture, and for those women who have developed capsular contracture with previous implants, offers a 100% guaranteed resolution of the condition.

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Contact Us to Learn more About All Me Augmentation™

Cosmetic DIEP Flap breast breast augmentation procedures reshape the breasts using tissues harvested from the patient’s own abdomen. This means that each procedure is effectively two cosmetic surgeries in one—natural breast augmentation and a tummy tuck. It is a complex procedure that requires advanced surgical techniques for successful microvascular connection of vessels to keep the tissue alive. This is a true living tissue transplantation which is significantly more elaborate and produces more volume and more favorable outcomes than fat grafting. Cosmetic DIEP flap procedures result in larger, firmer, higher breasts that look and feel natural without the need for implants, as well as a flatter stomach.

The Highest Quality Care Is Never The Cheapest Option

Advanced medical care requires state-of-the-art clinical facilities and surgical techniques. Dr. Sean Boutros has pioneered the cosmetic DIEP flap for natural breast augmentation and strives to maintain the highest safety standards while achieving beautiful and natural results for each patient. To that effect, each surgery performed includes an intricate procedure consisting of microsurgery with reconnection of blood vessels, microvascular tissue transplantation, microvascular free tissue transfer for breast augmentation.

Cost of Cosmetic DIEP Flap Breast Augmentation

Cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation procedures range from $38,500 to $50,000, with average pricing between $40,000 and $46,000.

Learn More About Financing & Insurance

Dr. Sean Boutros understands that plastic surgery can be a significant expense for most patients and is dedicated to helping his patients achieve their goals—regardless of their budget. Our practice has partnerships with leading medical lenders to offer a variety of affordable financing options and is in-network with many insurance providers. Please contact our office to learn more about financing and insurance.

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