Houston Mommy Makeover With Natural Breast Augmentation

We often get questions from prospective patients about pricing for natural breast augmentation using cosmetic DIEP flap procedures (the All Me Augmentation™ Procedure). Here you will find helpful information on procedure pricing and insight into the costs and benefits, as well as financing and insurance options.

Cosmetic DIEP Flap Procedures with Dr. Sean Boutros

Houston Breast Surgery Specialist Dr. Sean Boutros is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and an expert in The All Me Augmentation™ Procedure (Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator [DIEP] flap surgery). DIEP flap breast surgery has traditionally been a reconstructive procedure for patients who have undergone mastectomy, but Dr. Boutros is revolutionizing cosmetic breast surgery by using DIEP flap methods to provide patients with all natural breast augmentation. Cosmetic DIEP flap breast surgery allows patients to have beautiful, natural-looking breast augmentation without breast implants. This technique uses a patient’s own tissue, harvested from the abdomen, to reshape the breasts. Dr. Boutros offers several breast augmentation options with enhanced recovery and less pain at his Houston practice.

Cosmetic DIEP Flap Breast Augmentation

Many women would like fuller breasts, but do not wish to have breast implants due to safety concerns or personal preference. Cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation can deliver results that are more effective than other breast augmentation alternatives, such as fat transfer, without the risks of breast implants. Cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation is also an option for patients who would like to have breast implants removed due to complications such as capsular contracture, as this procedure can resolve that condition while allowing patients to maintain full breasts.

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Cosmetic DIEP Flap Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Life changes such as aging, weight fluctuations, and breastfeeding can cause breasts to sag or look deflated. Breast lift surgery combined with breast augmentation can lift and reshape the breasts while also restoring lost volume. Combining cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation with breast lift surgery can rejuvenate breasts in a single stage procedure without the potential complications of breast implants.

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Mommy Makeover with Cosmetic DIEP Flap Breast Augmentation

For many women, pregnancy and childbirth are the cornerstones of happiness. However, the resulting physical aspects can create long-lasting changes in appearance. A mommy makeover with Cosmetic DIEP Flap Breast Augmentation is a personalized treatment plan from Dr. Boutros that combines cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation with tummy tuck surgery and liposuction to restore confidence for women who would like to have a more toned and youthful look.

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En Bloc Capsulectomy Breast Implant Removal

Dr. Boutros understands that there are many reasons a woman may decide to have her breast implants removed, from changes in appearance and style to concerns about health. He is sensitive to the needs of each patient and he offers several methods of breast implant removal, including en bloc capsulectomy, which is often the best method for women who require removal due to breast implant complications.

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Contact Us to Learn more About All Me Augmentation™

Houston Mommy Makeover Specialist, Dr. Sean Boutros is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is passionate about helping his patients reclaim their pre-pregnancy bodies and their confidence. Your tissue is a limited, precious resource and Dr. Boutros knows how to make the most of it. In certain patients who want more volume, he simply cannot accept throwing that valuable resource away. The Mommy Makeover with Cosmetic DIEP Breast Augmentation uses the patient’s own tissue from a tummy tuck to add natural volume and shape to the breasts for a complete rejuvenation of the post-pregnancy body.

Contact Us to Learn more About All Me Augmentation™

Houston Mommy Makeover Specialist, Dr. Sean Boutros is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is passionate about helping his patients reclaim their pre-pregnancy bodies and their confidence. Your tissue is a limited, precious resource and Dr. Boutros knows how to make the most of it. In certain patients who want more volume, he simply cannot accept throwing that valuable resource away. The Mommy Makeover with Cosmetic DIEP Breast Augmentation uses the patient’s own tissue from a tummy tuck to add natural volume and shape to the breasts for a complete rejuvenation of the post-pregnancy body.

Cosmetic DIEP Breast Augmentation

Dr. Sean Boutros knows that breast implants are not the best option for every patient and has pioneered an innovative approach to cosmetic breast augmentation. Taking advantage of the Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) flap procedure most commonly used during breast cancer reconstruction, he is able to offer natural breast enhancement while avoiding silicone or saline breast implants. By utilizing your own, living fat and tissue from the abdominal region to reshape and add volume to the breasts, he can address your concerns and completely avoid the complications of breast implants while achieving a tighter, more toned stomach.

Your Own Tissue

Natural Look and Feel

Guaranteed Results

99.9% Tissue Success Rate

Ideal Candidates For A Mommy Makeover With DIEP Breast Augmentation

Anyone with concerns about their post-pregnancy appearance can benefit from the Mommy Makeover. And for the many women who desire elegant and subtle results, while still achieving a fuller, larger breast profile without an artificial implant, the cosmetic DIEP flap procedure offered by Dr. Boutros is the most natural and obvious choice. Cosmetic DIEP Breast Augmentation delivers results with no risk of capsular contracture (a risk associated with breast implants), no risk of reabsorption (as seen with fat transfer to the breast), and no loss of volume over time (as seen with fat transfer).
Candidates for this procedure:

Benefits of Mommy Makeover With Cosmetic DIEP Breast Augmentation

  • Fuller, larger more shapely breasts without artificial breast implants
  • A slimmer, more toned and contoured midsection
  • A longer-lasting and and more effective breast procedure than fat grafting
  • Offers a guaranteed improvement for patients with capsular contracture
  • Completely eliminates all risk of BIA-ALCL or Breast Implant Illness

What to Expect From Your Mommy Makeover Consultation

Your first step is a one-on-one consultation on the phone or in our Houston office with Dr. Boutros to discuss your medical history, as well as your aesthetic goals, and determine if natural breast augmentation is the best option for you. During this time, you’ll learn about the process, what to expect during your recovery, set expectations about results, and be able to ask any questions you may have about your breast augmentation options.

What to Expect From Mommy Makeover Surgery

Pre-surgical care is critically important for a successful outcome. That’s why Dr. Boutros and his dedicated staff will provide a list of detailed pre-surgical instructions to follow prior to your procedure. Your surgery will take place in the ideal environment for this type of procedure—a specialized DIEP flap center. Dr. Boutros will begin your surgery by removing fat and tissue from your lower abdominal region. Once finished, he will then transplant that tissue to your breasts, with an eye towards the predetermined shape and volume. Some patients will also undergo a lift or mastopexy to raise the nipple if it is sitting too low. It is also likely that Dr. Boutros will perform liposuction on your midsection to define your abdominal shape and add aesthetically pleasing contour to this region. Finally, Dr. Boutros will repair any separation of your abdominal muscles or diastasis recti to further define your waistline and improve your core strength.

During mommy makeover surgery with natural breast augmentation, Dr. Boutros utilizes a surgical technique known as microfascial incision to harvest the DIEP flap. This technique, which he has published extensively on, has several benefits such as minimal disruption to the muscle, reduced post-operative discomfort, and a lower risk of complications. Additionally, Dr. Boutros’ approach does not involve removal of a rib, which is a common practice in traditional DIEP flap procedures and can cause pain and long-term issues. With this innovative method, Dr. Boutros is able to access the blood vessels with minimal risk and discomfort to the patient.

Mommy Makeover Recovery

Due to Dr. Boutros’ pioneering advancements in DIEP Breast Augmentation, have proven to offer patients a faster and easier recovery.1 You should plan to stay overnight in the DIEP flap surgical center the night of your procedure and then can move to your home or a hotel for the remainder of your recovery. You can expect to resume normal day-to-day activities in the days following your surgery, but should avoid strenuous movements and heavy lifting for a full two weeks post-procedure. Most patients are back to their normal routines with no restrictions in four to six weeks.

Dr. Boutros — A Pioneer In Mommy Makeover With DIEP Breast Augmentation

Over the years, Dr. Boutros has perfected his techniques in cosmetic DIEP breast augmentation in over 3,000 DIEP flap procedures, and is one of the only surgeons in the world to routinely offer this procedure. He boasts an impressive proven record of success — as evidenced in a clinical study of his DIEP flap cases with zero flap failures, the largest series published without a failure at the time of publication.2 More recent publications include Dr. Boutros’ Microfacial Incision Technique™ which results in the fastest recovery reported to date for the DIEP flap.


Frequently Asked Questions About Mommy Makeover

How much does a Mommy Makeover cost?

The cost of a Mommy Makeover with Dr. Boutros is unique to each patient. When you meet with Dr. Boutros to discuss your Mommy Makeover, you will be given a cost breakdown for your personalized treatment plan.

Is a Mommy Makeover safe?

While there are risks associated with any surgical procedure, a Mommy Makeover is generally considered to be safe. Working with a plastic surgeon as experienced and skilled as Dr. Boutros helps to minimize any risks, and he will discuss all possible complications and side effects during your private Mommy Makeover consultation.

Who gets Mommy Makeovers?

Mommy Makeovers are most often sought by women who wish to return to their pre-pregnancy figures, but this procedure isn’t just for mothers. Any woman who desires natural breast augmentation in addition to a trimmer abdomen may benefit from a Mommy Makeover with cosmetic DIEP breast augmentation.

Contact Us to Learn More About Mommy Makeover With Cosmetic DIEP Breast Augmentation

The first step towards fuller, elegant, natural breasts and a tighter, more toned tummy starts with your personal consultation. Contact us today to learn more about this state-of-the-art procedure or to schedule your appointment with Dr. Boutros.
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1 Martinez CA, Reis SM, Rednam R, Boutros SG. The Outpatient DIEP: Safety and Viability following a Modified Recovery Protocol. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2018;6(9):e1898. Published 2018 Sep 14. doi:10.1097/GOX.0000000000001898
2 Boutros SG. Double venous system drainage in deep inferior epigastric perforator flap breast reconstruction: a single-surgeon experience. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Apr;131(4):671-6. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31828189e6.
