Cosmetic DIEP Flap Breast Augmentation
(All Me Augmentation™)

We often get questions from prospective patients about pricing for natural breast augmentation using cosmetic DIEP flap procedures (the All Me Augmentation™ Procedure). Here you will find helpful information on procedure pricing and insight into the costs and benefits, as well as financing and insurance options.

Your Own Tissue

Natural Look and Feel

Guaranteed Results

99.9% Tissue Success Rate

Breast Augmentation Without Implants

Many women would like larger, fuller breasts, but they hesitate to consider breast augmentation because they have safety concerns about implants or they worry that breast implants will not look natural. Also, some women simply do not want anything artificial in their body. With the cosmetic DIEP flap procedure, Dr. Boutros is able to offer natural breast augmentation without the need for implants.

Cosmetic DIEP as a Solution for Capsular Contracture

There are also patients who have had breast augmentation, but have experienced unfortunate complications. Capsular contracture is a relatively common breast implant complication in which the tissue around the implant hardens, causing the breast to look unnatural and feel hard to the touch. Breast revision surgery with new implants is not always a solution since the capsular contracture can recur with the new implants. Since cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation does not involve implants, it offers a 100% resolution of capsular contracture while still allowing you to keep the breast size and shape that you want.

Breast Augmentation With No Risk of Implant-Related Illness

Recently, several types of breast implants have been recalled at the request of the FDA due to an investigation of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that has been linked to textured breast implants. Women’s health experts are also investigating increasing reports of an autoimmune condition called Breast Implant Illness (BII) that has been linked to all types of breast implants.2 Cosmetic DIEP Flap Breast Augmentation may be a solution for patients who would like breast augmentation without the risk of BIA-ALCL or BII, including women who would like to remove their breast implants as a preventative measure or to cure symptoms of BII. Learn more about BIA-ALCL and BII

Colleen: All Me Augmentation™ (Cosmetic DIEP Flap Breast Augmentation)

In this interview, Colleen, an All Me Augmentation™ (cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation) patient of Dr. Boutros, shares her story.

How did you find Dr. Boutros?

I had breast augmentation in 1992 at age 26 and experienced problems from almost the beginning. My body seemed to reject the implants and I began having severe capsular contracture which different doctors treated differently over the last couple of decades. One doctor used a manual method (using his hands to break or release the contracture) which caused severe scarring. Another doctor fixed the scarring by removing breast tissue in my left breast. After several surgeries and trying three different sets of implants, I was done with experimenting with ways to stop the pain. There were not many options for someone in my situation wanting to remove the implants, but having minimal breast tissue of my own. I knew I could not continue with the implants but did not want to have less breast tissue and more asymmetry than when I started after the removal by the prior surgeon.

What to Expect From DIEP Flap Breast Augmentation

Your Consultation

The first step is a consultation either by phone or at our Houston office to determine if natural breast augmentation is right for you. This is your opportunity to ask any questions about your breast augmentation options and discuss your medical history and aesthetic goals with Dr. Boutros.

Cosmetic DIEP Flap Surgery

Dr. Boutros and his team will give you detailed pre-surgical instructions to follow prior to your procedure. The procedure is performed in a specialized DIEP flap center, ideal for this type of surgery. In the procedure, Dr. Boutros will remove fat and tissue from your lower abdominal area and then transplant that tissue to your breasts. Liposuction will likely be performed on the abdomen to further define your abdominal shape. If there is any seperation of your abdominal muscles or diastasis recti, your muscles will be repaired to improve your core strength and further define your waistline.

During the surgery, Dr. Boutros will use his published technique of microfascial incision to harvest the DIEP flap. Unlike other DIEP flap procedures, with the microfascial incision there is almost no disruption to the muscle, limited discomfort, and typically no short or long-term complications. In addition, Dr. Boutros performs this surgery without the removal of a rib. This technique, which he has published extensively on, allows him to access the blood vessels without the pain and long-term problems associated with the rib removal common with the typical DIEP flap procedure.

Cosmetic DIEP Flap Recovery

Traditional DIEP Flap for breast reconstruction surgery has been associated with a long and difficult recovery. However, Dr. Boutros has pioneered advanced techniques that have been proven to allow DIEP patients a quicker and easier recovery. You can expect to stay overnight in the specialized DIEP flap center the evening of your procedure and then finish your recovery at home or a nearby hotel. You’ll be able to resume many day-to-day activities, but you will be restricted from heavy lifting and strenuous movement for two weeks. You should be ready to get back to your regular routine completely in approximately four to six weeks.

Cosmetic DIEP Flap Results

Dr. Boutros’s cosmetic DIEP technique delivers breast and body renewal that is naturally you. You can expect fuller, perkier breasts that look and feel natural along with a tighter, more shaped and toned-looking abdomen.

Dr. Boutros has pioneered advanced techniques that have been proven to allow DIEP patients a quicker and easier recovery.

Comparing DIEP Flap to Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

If you are interested in natural breast augmentation and breast implant alternatives, you may have considered a fat transfer procedure. Fat transfer, in which fat from liposuction is inserted into the breasts, can offer only a very subtle augmentation and results are unreliable because typically between 60% and 90% of the injected fat will be reabsorbed by the body.4 A key advantage of cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation is that living tissue with blood vessels and blood supply is transplanted to the breast — similar to an organ transplant, this tissue can remain alive and become a permanent, soft, natural part of the breast with no risk of fat reabsorption.

Who is a Candidate for Cosmetic DIEP Flap Breast Augmentation?

If you are seeking a natural alternative to breast implants or a solution for capsular contracture, then cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation may be right for you. Patients who have previously had a tummy tuck are not candidates for this procedure. The best way to determine if cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation is right for you is to schedule a consultation appointment.

Who is a Candidate for Cosmetic DIEP Flap Breast Augmentation?

If you are seeking a natural alternative to breast implants or a solution for capsular contracture, then cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation may be right for you. Patients who have previously had a tummy tuck are not candidates for this procedure. The best way to determine if cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation is right for you is to schedule a consultation appointment.

Dr. Boutros — Unparalleled Surgical Skill for Natural Breast Renewal

Utilizing reconstruction techniques for cosmetic purposes is an innovative and even radical approach, so it is very important to find a plastic surgeon who is highly experienced. Dr. Boutros is uniquely qualified as one of the only surgeons to routinely offer cosmetic DIEP flap breast augmentation. Reconstructive DIEP is a complex surgery with a risk of failure, but Dr. Boutros has a proven record of success — as demonstrated by a large published clinical study of his DIEP flap cases with zero flap failures. At the time of publication it was the largest series published without a failure.5 More recent publications include his Microfacial Incision TechniqueTM which results in the fastest recovery reported to date for the DIEP flap.3 He has presented and published clinical research on DIEP flap breast reconstruction nationally and internationally and has performed over 3,000 DIEP flap procedures.


Contact Us to Learn More About Cosmetic DIEP Flap Breast Augmentation

Are you ready to take the first step toward looking and feeling your best with natural breast and body shaping? Contact us with any questions or to schedule your consultation appointment.
Contact Us

1 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 2018 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report. Available: Accessed January 6, 2020
2 U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Risks and Complications of Breast Implants. Available: Accessed January 6, 2020
3 Martinez CA, Reis SM, Rednam R, Boutros SG. The Outpatient DIEP: Safety and Viability following a Modified Recovery Protocol. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2018;6(9):e1898. Published 2018 Sep 14. doi:10.1097/GOX.0000000000001898
4 Delay E. Lipomodeling of the reconstructed breast. Surgery of the breast: principles and art. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006. p.912-33.
5 Boutros SG. Double venous system drainage in deep inferior epigastric perforator flap breast reconstruction: a single-surgeon experience. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Apr;131(4):671-6. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31828189e6.
